4 Bathroom Renovation Money Saving Tips
4 Bathroom Renovation Money Saving Tips to keep you on budget. When my husband and I bought our first home, we didn’t notice how bad some of the rooms were. After the previous owners moved out, and the house was empty, we could see (and smell) all the flaws. We had spent a lot of money on other bigger projects, like the roof. So we knew we needed to do this complete bathroom renovation on a tight budget.

Our bathroom was one of the main things that really needed to go when we got started renovating our house in town. The tub was broken and filthy, we had water damage, and there was a smell coming from somewhere that was not good. Keep reading below to find out my top 4 money saving tips for renovating your bathroom.
1. Prepare Yourself
I knew we would be needing several big items to makeover our bathroom. I always keep my eyes peeled, and check for sales all the time. Most the items we needed were purchased way before we ever started our bathroom project. For example, I found a huge bathroom sink at a yard sale, and bought it months before we needed it. I ended up paying only $150 for it. When you stock pile items, you don’t have this big hit to your budget all at once. Then when it is time to start you will be prepared.

2. Repurpose, Repurpose, Repurpose
Speaking of stock piling, I am always buying things and finding ways to use them that may not be what they are actually for. My husband and I found a big bunch of floor tile on extreme sale at Lowes. We bought it not knowing for sure what we would use it for. When it came time to renovate the bathroom, we decided the floor tile would be perfect to use in our shower. Since we already had it put back, that was one less thing we had to pay for. Just because it was made for the floor doesn’t mean it can’t be used for something else. Get creative.

3. Rent Tools
Renting tools are often something you don’t think about. Before you go out and spend a ton of money on something you will likely only use once. See if your local hardware store has the option for you to rent it. We actually coordinated with another family member who was also laying tile. We were able to rent the tile saw one weekend, and do both of our houses at once. Saving both of us money.
4. Trade for Help
Instead of paying for a contractor, ask your family or friends to help. Use others strengths to help you, and then offer them help in return. For example, my husband had never laid tile before, so one of his family members helped us with our tile, and my husband put down their wood flooring for them in return. It never hurts to ask for help.

These 4 Money Saving Tips really saved us some cash on our Bathroom Renovation. I hope you are able to use these ideas to create your dream bathroom on a budget. You can also check out how I painted my kitchen countertops to get even more budget friendly renovation tips.

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