Best Places to Thrift Shop
The Best Places to Thrift Shop are not always the places you would expect. The thing about thrifting is getting familiar with your local thrift shops and finding the best places to thrift. This can all depend on what you are looking for or how much you are willing to spend.

Where to Thrift Shop?
The best places to start thrifting are places near you. For one reason, the best way to stay on top of the best deals, and the best items is to get familiar with your local thrift stores and go often. Going often ensures that you are not missing out on anything. But also helps you get familiar with the specials, and deals that might be offered at your thrift stores.
Bigger is not Always Better in Thrifting
Sometimes the local smaller thrift stores are better because they are not as picked over as the larger, more popular thrift stores. The smaller thrift stores will often times have better prices than the larger, or more corporate thrift stores.

But Sometimes Bigger is Better in Thrifting
Size does not always matter, but I have found that the bigger thrift store will usually have more of a selection simply because they have more volume coming in. I do love a lot of options, but sometime this can make for an overwhelming shopping experience.
Choose your Battles in the Thrift Shop
The most important part of where to go thrifting is going often and take your time. No matter where you are thrifting, big or small, you have got to go often to make sure you are not missing out on the best of the best. You also have to be patient and take your time. Some of the best thrift finds are found when you are just about to give up.

If you love to Thrift Shop, or this post gave you some inspiration be sure to tag me on Instagram. I love to see your thrift hauls! And as always, keep following along with The Four Acre Farm blog for more Easy Recipes, Gardening Tips, & Budget Friendly DIY.
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