Freezing Summer Squash
Freezing Summer Squash is one of my favorite easy ways to make fresh garden produce last all year long. I am all for low maintenance ways to make my garden vegetables last, and I think squash may be one of the most simple veggies to store.

If you are in the same garden boat as me, you likely have squash coming out of your ears. It always happens to me every year. The squash starts off slow, and you are so excited, and then BAM..all of a sudden you are drowning in them.
Don’t get me wrong, I love squash, but I also eat my fill in the summer time, then I get sick of it. But I know when winter comes, I am going to be wishing I had fresh squash. And I personally think frozen squash tastes just as good as when it is fresh out of the garden.
How to Freeze Summer Squash
Now, let’s get into how I actually go about freezing my squash. First of all, I clean my squash with a scrub brush, and make sure to get off any dark spots. Then I start prepping my squash. I chop off both ends, and slice to my desired size. I like a mixture of whole slices, and smaller chunks.

A lot of people think you have to blanch squash first, but I do not. I go straight from chopping to prepping my squash for the freezer. I love to use a Vacuum Sealer to store my squash, as well as, many other garden veggies. It makes the process so easy, and also saves so much room in your freezer.
All you have to do is fill your bag, seal, and pop them into the freezer. It is as easy as that. I also like to add the date I processed them to my bag just to make sure I am keeping my stock pile rotated. The vacuum seal bags can also be put in the microwave, so you could add your seasonings right in, and cook them in their bag.

Cooking Frozen Squash
I use smaller bags when I vacuum seal my squash because I like to store them in individual portions. This makes them easy for me to make a quick meal for myself, since my husband is crazy and doesn’t eat most vegetables. -_- My favorite way to cook my frozen squash is in the air fryer. You can check out my Garlic Summer Squash Recipe if you are needing some inspiration for cooking up your squash. It is super easy, and so good!
I hope my tips for Freezing Summer Squash makes your pile of garden veggies a little less daunting. Be sure to tag me on Instagram and show me all your Garden Squash. And follow along with The Four Acre Farm blog for more Easy Recipes, Gardening Tips, & Budget Friendly DIY.

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