Garden Carrot Cleaning Tips
Garden Carrot Cleaning Tips to help get your carrots from the garden to your table in no time. Garden carrots are one of my favorite veggies, but I really hate the cleaning process. Keep reading to find out my best tips for cleaning home grown carrots.

Shake it Out!
Shake off excess dirt outside to save your kitchen a mess later. I use a wire basket to gather my carrots, and give them plenty of good shakes to get off as much dirt as possible before bringing them in the house.

Grab your Rubber Ducky!
I like to run a water bath in my kitchen sink for my carrots. This helps the weeds float to the top, and the dirt fall to the bottom. I just skim the weeds off the top with my hands, and gather all the other mess at the bottom in my sink strainer.

Next, take a clean scrubber, and give your carrots a good once over. I use a scrubber with brush bristles. This really gets off the dirt stuck in any crevices, and should also take off most of the little hair like roots still attached to your carrots.

Grand Finale!
If you still have a few spots that your scrubber didn’t take off, you can use a vegetable peeler to quickly clean those up. All that’s left is to cut the tops off.
Now your carrots should be ready to cook up in your favorite dish! I have a wonderful recipe for glazed carrots. If you like your carrots extra sweet, you have to check it out!
I hope you enjoyed these easy Garden Carrot Cleaning Tips. Follow me on Instagram for behind the scenes of all the garden fun going on at The Four Acre Farm!

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