Growing Cucumbers Vertically
Growing Cucumbers Vertically has many garden benefits. Not only will it save you space but can also be beneficial to your vegetables. Keep reading below to find of the benefits of Growing Cucumbers Vertically.

How to Grow Cucumbers Vertically
I am sure your first question is how to grow cucumbers vertically. Well, the answer is super easy because cucumbers will naturally trellis. All you have to do is provide them a structure to grow on. My husband and I built a cute DIY Garden Trellis that our cucumbers love. And maybe gently coax them in the right direction. The cucumbers will do the rest of the work.
Like I mentioned, Growing Cucumbers Vertically has many benefits. There are many reasons why you may want or need to grow your vegetables vertically. It not only makes sense for the layout of your garden, but also can aid in the growing process.
Vertically Discourage Pests
Growing cucumbers vertically can help keep them up off the ground and away from pests that may try to snack on your veggies. Of course, if a pest wants to get ahold of your cucumbers it will find a way. But being up off the ground will make it more of a challenge for any bugs or insects to get directly to them.

Vertically Managed Space
Cucumbers are one of those vegetable with a mind of their own. Once they get big, they can really take over your garden walkways and even other plants. Growing your plants vertically will help keep them contained, and make your garden look neater. This also makes for easier weeding and maintenance. Keeping our cucumbers contained is the main reason we opt to grow our cucumbers vertically. We love to work smarter not harder, and anything to make our garden easier is a no brainer.
Vertically Clean
Growing your Cucumbers vertically will not only save you time keeping your garden clean, but can also keep your vegetables cleaner as well. Growing cucumbers on the ground can really makes a mess, especially in our sandy soiled garden. I hate bringing a huge basket of dirty veggies in and having to scrub them forever before I can eat them. By trellising your cucumbers you can keep them up off the ground, and keep them out of the dirt and sand.

I hope these tips for Growing Cucumbers Vertically will give you some garden motivation. If you give trellising your cucumbers a try, make sure to tag me on Instagram, and let me know what other garden veggies you grow vertically. As always, keep following along with The Four Acre Farm blog for more Easy Recipes, Gardening Tips, & Budget Friendly DIY.

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