When To Harvest Onions
Harvesting Onions may be one of the easiest garden chores, but the main question is When to Harvest Onions? Well there really is no right answer to that question, since you can harvest an onion at really any time. It all depends on what you are expecting from your onions. Keep reading below to find out my tips for knowing when to Harvest Onions.

Harvesting Small Onions
First of all, if you are needing an onion, let’s say for a recipe, and you only have small onions in your garden. Those small onions can absolutely be used. Now I wouldn’t recommend using every small onion in your garden to cook one recipe, but if you want to do that, by all means, eat your onions.
Harvesting Green Onions
Another frequently asked question is, “Can I eat the green tops of my onions?” Absolutely! I try to use all of my plants to their full extent. I love to trim my onion tops to use in recipes, one of my favorite ways to use my green onion is in a good Cheeseball Recipe. Yum. All you have to do is trim a few of the green onion tops, out of your garden, as you need them. Keep in my, if you are trying to grow a large onion, I don’t recommend cutting all of the green off the top.
You can also use your green onion tops to make Homemade Green Onion Powder. This is such a simple way to extend the life of your onions all year round.

Onions Talk, Listen
So you have all your onions planted, and they are getting big. If you are growing onions to store, you are probably most interested in your big harvest. But how do you know when it’s time? Well this may sound crazy, but your onions will tell you when. You didn’t know onions could talk, did you? Well they can’t, but haven’t you heard…actions speak louder than words?
When your onions are ready, you will start to see the tell-tale signs. Now your onion bulb may not be as big as you expected, but you don’t want to ignore the signs they need to be harvested. This could cause them to go bad, and you could lose your harvest.

Big Harvest Time
So look for these signs, and let the onion tell you when. First of all, the green tops will start to wither and fall over. Next, they will turn slightly yellow, and look limp. That is how you know it is time for your Big Harvest. Congratulations you did it, now you can pick those glorious, stinky onions.
I hope these tips are helpful when it comes time to know When to Harvest Onions. Be sure to tag me on Instagram and show me all of your beautiful onion photos. And follow along with The Four Acre Farm blog for more Easy Recipes, Gardening Tips, & Budget Friendly DIY.

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